Wendy Weaver-Counseling & Physiotherapy Treatment

Psychotherapy Treatment and Private Counseling in Boca Raton, Florida

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Are you looking for psychotherapy and private counseling in Boca Raton,
Florida? Wendy Weaver is a licensed therapist, offering psychotherapy in
Boca Raton, Florida.

Wendy is committed to providing quality care to individuals and couples.
She provides psychotherapy treatment in Boca Raton, Florida and private
counseling in Boca Raton, Florida. Wendy offers counseling to individuals
and couples delivering quality and dedicated care to help through
emotionally difficult situations. Take that first step and schedule an appointment with Wendy Weaver today.

Sometimes in the winds of change we find our direction...

Change is a naturally occurring part of life that we all experience. We are constantly required to update and adapt in order to cope with these unforeseen developments in the story of our lives. Sometimes, change is expected or even planned, helping us to better prepare ourselves for it. 

Perhaps it's a change in career, an addition to our family or relocating to a new place that we embrace whole-heartedly. However, what most of us don't anticipate is that although these changes seem exciting and are, on paper, the very things we want, they can also bring discomfort and usher in a new age where we must learn to cope with the unknown. Positive changes like these may even lead to distress, including symptoms of anxiety and depression. Attempts to tolerate your overwhelming feelings alone or deciding to ignore them altogether are usually unhelpful and can even make the symptoms worse.

The decision to seek help is not always an easy one to make. Allowing yourself to venture into the untamed world of your emotions and choosing to share them with a therapist can be a challenging step. However, rest assured that the risk of vulnerability in therapy, as in life, is rewarded with a richer understanding of self and a discovery of inner capability, better allowing you to navigate the winds of change, wherever they take you.


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Interested in Therapy?

I want to make sure all new clients feel welcome, safe, and taken care of. It can be a big first step deciding to utilize the power of therapy. Learn more about what to expect by clicking the button below.


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My Services

I offer many different services based on the type of help you are looking for. Take a look for yourself to decide what offers the best fit.



Contact Me

Do you have any questions or just need to talk? That’s what I’m here for.