My Services

Individual Therapy

By signing up for individual therapy, a therapist will work collaboratively with you to address mental health concerns, focus on your role in any interpersonal problems, or address other problematic symptoms that are present in your life. 

Couples Therapy

In couples therapy, you have the opportunity to work with your partner, in real-time, to improve your relationship. Whether it’s issues of communication, lack of intimacy, frustrations over the division of responsibility, or financial concerns, working with a therapist can help to bring these issues, and their deeper-rooted meanings, out into the open for constructive discussion.


Family Therapy

As the family grows and shifts through different life stages, or encounters a specific challenge, it may be necessary to seek outside support. Family therapy can help members to learn to talk to one another about their experiences in helpful and healthy ways.


Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is a beneficial tool for individuals who are having difficulty moving past traumatic occurrences in their lives. Through a process of bilateral stimulation and therapist-directed protocols, once-traumatized individuals often find success in fewer sessions than when treated with talk therapy approaches alone.



The effects of addiction are vast and far-reaching, affecting individuals seeking treatment as well as their families and loved ones. Whether you’re concerned about your own substance use or that of a family member, addiction counseling can be helpful to learn more about the disease and how to overcome it, through accessing tools and the right support.

Qualified Supervisor

To become a registered LMHC intern in the state of Florida, you will need the support of a qualified supervisor who has agreed to take you under their wing. I know how important this selection process can be, as in many ways, you are choosing the person whose style and practice you would like to emulate, or at the very least, someone whom you believe that you can learn from.

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